Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

first we have to know the meaning of capital, capital is something owned which provides servuces.
In the nation accounts or to firm, capital is made up of durable invesment goods, normally summed is units of money.
Broadly land plus phisical structures plus equipment.
Than, how could we used "capital" as
names of our group, because as we know that for this course about finalcial management, and capital also is a part of those such the meaning of financial management activify of plans, controlling, searching and saving fund in the organization or firm
Besides we thing that capital is a Simple words
In economics, capital, capital goods, or real capital refers to already-produced durable goods used in production of goods or services. The capital goods are not significantly consumed, though they may depreciate in the production process. Capital is distinct from land in that capital must itself be produced by human labor before it can be a factor of production. At any moment in time, total physical capital may be referred to as the capital stock, a usage different from the same term applied to a business entity. In a fundamental sense, capital consists of any produced thing that can enhance a person's power to perform economically useful work - a stone or an arrow is capital for a caveman who can use it as a hunting instrument, and roads are capital for inhabitants of a city. Capital is an input in the production function. Homes and personal autos are not capital but are instead durable goods because they are not used in a production effort.